How are we going to support our elderly family member?
This is the question that more and more people are asking. The issues of elder care are often difficult, emotionally charged and confusing. Roz Townsend now offers a new professional service in the field of Elder Mediation.
Elder Mediation creates a safe structure for successful problem solving. Difficult family issues may otherwise become major inter-generational disputes. The life challenges for the elderly are best met when a forum exists for all to constructively and respectfully express their views.
Elder Mediators aim to help resolve immediate conflicts and provide communication tools for the family to use in the future.
How Elder Mediation works:
Roz has worked with many families on end of life issues and as a funeral celebrant. At this delicate time, it is important that the wishes of the elderly are heard and respected.
Roz has helped save families from costly legal expenses as well as the personal and emotional cost of protracted disagreements. Contact Roz today on 0428 314 500 or at to see how she can help your family.