Roz is a nationally accredited mediator under the Australian National Mediator Standards and has recently been trained to deliver Elder Mediation - helping older people and their family members to find resolution. For information about Elder Mediation, please click here.

In mediations and conflict coaching sessions, Roz helps people to communicate with generosity, responsibility and integrity.

People who attend mediation sessions with Roz move beyond old patterns of blame, guilt, manipulation and judgments, which force them into choosing who is right and who is wrong.

The model Roz uses views all people as doing the best they can in the difficult situations that face them. She helps them to regain control of their lives rather than being a reaction to their circumstances.

Roz has diverse experience. She has worked with people from many backgrounds including a range of corporate, government, welfare, school and disability environments. Roz has also facilitated life coaching for people in these areas.

Roz has a good understanding of many of the issues that arise when dealing with workplace disputes.She has presented a number of conflict resolution training sessions to clients including i-Med Radiology Services, Lithgow Council, Newcrest Mines, Rail Corp, Dubbo Council and the Central West Group Apprentices.

Roz aims to achieve mutually agreeable outcomes which acknowledge the differences in work colleagues and allow them to continue working together in a healthy, professional manner.

The average time needed for a workplace mediation is five hours, although different people have different needs and this may vary. The five hours is usually made up in the following way:

2 hours 2 x 1 hour preparatory sessions with each party to determine the readiness of each to undertake mediation.

3 hours Mediation session.

I help people to communicate with generosity, responsibility and integrity.

Roz Townsend